Our goal is to help One Click Contractor customers drive efficiency, speed, and accuracy in their sales processes. The newest enhancements to our platform have been curated from feedback from YOU, our customers! Check them out below.
User notifications

Never miss another status update! With a new set of user notifications, you can now receive email and SMS text notifications for new jobs, signed documents, AND when customers upload photos. Stay on top of contracts and customer communication by getting instant notifications so you don’t fall behind on a job.
This also gives you the power to determine your notification preference and who else in your business you would like notified. Prefer to know about contracts via text but photos via email? We can do that. Need your project manager to know when the contract is signed so that they can move forward with scheduling? Done.
Measure roofing, siding, concrete and more with Scope Technologies
Tired of manually measuring your roofing, siding, and concrete projects and then transcribing those measurements into your estimate? With our newest measurement integration from Scope Technologies, you can request measurement reports for roofing, siding, and concrete right inside of One Click Contractor. Once measurement reports are ordered, they will automatically populate the measurement tab inside of your job. No more transcribing, no more errors and the ability to go from measurement to estimate in just a few clicks!
Project Summary and Price Presentation Drawer.
We made some MAJOR updates on how contractors can compare pricing options and integrate financing options into their presentations and estimates. This new functionality makes it easier for the homeowner to compare different payment options - including financing into the project summary. It also allows for the seamless integration of financing options and applications right into the sales process, allowing financing to be easily offered every time! This enhancement is so cool, we’re dedicating a future post so you can see all the in’s and out’s - stay tuned for more information coming soon.
Sneak Peak:
In One Click Contractor’s new Project Summary and Price Presentation Drawer, We have created additional fields so you can easily offer financing during your presentation. We also added capabilities to filter by minimum financed amount, maximum financed amount, and minimum payment. We have apply now options directly through integrated financing providers directly from within the One Click Contractor platform.

Measurements 2.0. 
Measurement 2.0 includes a pitch by pitch breakdown, additional units of measure, even more auto-calculations, and the ability to build measurement formulas to get to the right material quantities without the need for a calculator or long division.
Metric Measurements:
Did we mention we also have native support for metric measurements? We offer direct support for metric measurements and can automatically convert from measurement report technologies.
Import jobs from a CSV. 
Sick of having to take information from your spreadsheets and retype to create an estimate? Now you can just import CSV files into our platform to save time so you can get out and close more jobs!
Stay tuned, we have more exciting platform enhancements coming soon that you won’t want to miss.
Have questions about these or our program in general? Our consultants would be happy to help. Schedule a time to meet with our team below.