How do you close a sale during a crisis and even have record-breaking sales months? This proven technique will help fill your calendar and close the sale, every month.

Meet home improvement veteran and virtual selling pioneer Dale Thornberry. Dale developed his Patriot Close technique to help contractors he coaches land the job, even when times are tough. These proven secrets helped him continue to close jobs in times of crisis like the 1989 stock market crash and 9/11.
So what exactly is the Patriot Close? Dale explains, “You know, the American people today are the most generous in the history of mankind. They care about their communities and their country. That’s why I called this the Patriot Close. When a large event like the coronavirus crisis happens, many people are not impacted financially. Additionally, with COVID-19, many homeowners have been stuck staring at areas of their home that they don’t like, for months. It might be a bathroom configuration they never liked or a paint color that reminds them of their grandmother, or maybe it's time to add that sunroom they’ve been talking about to the back deck. This additional time at home is encouraging homeowners to make updates to their homes, inside and out.
The Patriot Close is about harnessing proven strategies and methodologies and helping you gear up for a record-breaking sales month in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.
Dale has passed this technique on to other home improvement contractors he coaches. Contractors who utilize the Patriot Close methodology have watched their businesses thrive in times of crisis. One contractor closed jobs totaling $100,000 in just one week during COVID-19! An unexpected result was that the pandemic has positively impacted contractors' close rates. Contractors we’ve spoken with are closing at 50% or more using the Patriot Close methodology, which is truly remarkable. We’ve packaged up Dale’s proven Patriot Close Strategy and made it available for all contractors.
Here are the steps to follow to utilize the Patriot Close methodology and increase your close rate during a time of crisis:
1. Offer Virtual AND In-Home Appointments:
Decide to start offering your customers a choice between meeting in-person or virtually, or perhaps a combination of both. With all the uncertainty about our future, nobody knows how many of our customers are going to prefer social distancing. These are the customers that want a virtual presentation.
2. Re-engage:
Here is where you can make money with your quotes who did not buy yet. The best way to re-engage with these customers is by offering a virtual review of their quote. ALWAYS TEXT, NEVER CALL as your first outreach touchpoint. Who should you include in this rehash campaign? Send a text to everyone you quoted in the last six months who didn’t buy. Download the Guide to get the exact script Dale and other contractors use to thrive during a national crisis.
Pro Tip: Having trouble filling your schedule and keeping your crew(s) busy? Within this text, you can offer customers a “Slot Fill Discount” to help keep your crew(s) busy and working. This tactic isn’t just providing a discount to lower the price it's an incentive to have your crew work 5 days this week vs. 4 by controlling the install date.
3. The Secret Sauce - Technology That Just Works: 
Technology alone is not gonna win you the job, but it could lose you the job. The technology you use needs to work seamlessly, every time. When that happens, the customer trusts you. You look professional and you’re not fumbling around during your presentation or when you’re customizing the customer’s estimate. One Click Contractor’s platform was carefully crafted to create the perfect in-home or virtual experience. Dale equates One Click Contractor to taking everything you carry in your briefcase and making it all available to you right online.
Why consider these tips? Dale remarks, “This will make your business more efficient, more profitable, and openup a tremendous number of new and repeat sales opportunities. And, best of all, you will leave the competition in the dust by moving to this technology and positioning yourself for what will soon become the industry standard.”
The Results Speak For Themselves
So, what are the results from One Click Contractor customers during the COVID-19 crisis? The majority of our customers who have fully embraced virtual sales are continuing to have record sales months...month after month! There’s only one explanation for this. Companies offering virtual appointments are blowing by their competition in record numbers. Ready to become one of those companies?
Download Dale’s Patriot Close Strategy Guide and watch his video spelling out all his tips and tricks.