One Click Contractor Blog

11 Reasons to Go Paperless in Your Home Improvement Business

Written by Grace Murrell | Aug 27, 2020 5:30:00 PM

Change can be hard, but going paperless in your home improvement business is one change you should make. 

Whether you’re still using handwritten estimates and 3-part carbonless forms or just looking for new areas to go paperless, here are 11 reasons moving from paper to digital will help propel your business forward.

1) Information is easier to find and search

No more shuffling papers to find where you wrote down that one small piece of info. When you have an all-in-one digital platform, everything is all housed digitally in one easily accessible place. You know exactly where it is at all times, can search for what you need, and are able to access that information from any device, whether pulling up customer contact information, measurements, or the estimate and agreement.

2) It saves time

Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent countless hours transferring information from handwritten measurements into a spreadsheet? It’s time to skip that step entirely! Technology solutions like One Click Contractor give you everything you need digitally, including integrations with many of your favorite CRMs, design tools, and more. When the project is digital from the start, you’ll save plenty of time, giving you the chance to focus on the tasks that directly impact your bottom line.

3) It’s flexible

The estimation process is a conversation that can go through several evolutions, turning handwritten estimates into messy, complex pieces that have to be re-written from their original version. An all-in-one digital platform gives you real time editing capabilities without the mess and can impress homeowners with your streamlined, professional system.

4) It prevents spreading germs

In the current climate, homeowners are concerned about the safety and security of their own families. Making better, safer choices will be a big factor for them. Eliminating paper from your processes means you won’t be passing papers back and forth between multiple hands, increasing the risk of spreading germs and viruses to both your customers and your team.

5) It helps protect your job and customer information

Keep costly mistakes to a minimum! Paperwork is easy to accidentally lose or throw away. An all-in-one digital platform cuts down on those “whoops” moments with the trashcan and eliminates the worry that a fire or other natural disaster could wipe out valuable customer files.

6) It helps you get paid faster

Don’t wait for a check with a hand signed agreement. Using a digital agreement tool with an e-signature makes it faster and easier for homeowners to sign. Add in an online financing tool and payment option and you’ll get paid faster than ever.

7) It’s cost effective

How much money have you spent on toner, paper, printers, and having 3-part carbonless forms printed? How many hours have you spent shuffling papers around? A digital system significantly reduces printing costs while saving you time.

8) It streamlines systems within your admin or back office

Have you ever needed information in a job jacket to take care of an important step in your process, only to find out your coworker has the file in their briefcase, sitting on their desk in a locked office, or on the front seat of their truck? A paperless system means everyone not only has easy access but is able to more efficiently get the job done. From billing to production, make sure everyone has access to the important details about the job.

9) It saves space

Gone are the days of endless filing cabinets and banker boxes full of homeowner information. Free up physical space in your office by storing everything you need digitally.

10) It's greener

Less paper means less of an environmental impact. Many customers like to see a commitment to environmental integrity with paperless processes!

11) It increases customer satisfaction

Over and over again we’ve heard from home improvement pros that once they integrated digital, paperless tools into their system, customer satisfaction increased. Going paperless means less paper clutter for them to keep track of in their house (which, if you are in the middle of an interior remodeling project, can feel like a huge chore) and creates an overall easier experience for them.

Where do you stand on moving to digital?

Still not sure if a paperless, digital process is right for you? Get a free strategy session with a digital sales expert to learn how it could work for your unique business.

Ready to ditch the paperwork for good? See how One Click Contractor's time-saving features can boost your productivity and sales.